The ‘BGET’ Esbit Tray Stove is Now in Production
Every since I first posted about my frustration with Esbit fuel tablets (more than four years ago now) and my eventual solution of developing a more efficient Esbit tray stove , I have received a steady stream of emails from readers asking if I could make them a stove and sell it to them. Despite giving away the instructions, a step-by-step guide, and a template, some people simply didn’t want to fiddle with making the stove themselves. That’s fine, I totally get it. For a while I tried making my Esbit tray stoves for those that asked and sold them for a few bucks just to cover shipping, but I didn’t have enough materials or the time to do it on a frequent or scalable basis. Successful DIY Builds Others have been making my stoves themselves and sharing their results via the Backpacking Light forums . John Abela of posted a wonderful, detailed review and analysis of my Esbit tray stove via his blog. John was the one who first coined the term “BGET” or Brian Gr...